
sabato 5 ottobre 2013

Resbaladera ( Costa Rica )

Travelling ..... in cuisines all over the world!
Back again this year our summer trip through the cuisines all over the world with many new recipes and places to visit. This week we travel with:

Resbaladera ( Costa Rica )
( This recipe By Nuxia )

The Resbaladera is a popular cold drink of Costa Rica. Resbaladera is based cream, obtained by cooking barley and concentrated milk and rice. These two ingredients are cooked together flavored with some spices: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg. Although, its preparation takes some time, the end result repays the effort. Resbalaldera: A refreshing drink delicious and very sweet and nutritious. Just perfect for everyone!


1 cup long grain rice , uncooked
1 cup of raw barley
2 cinnamon sticks
5 whole cloves (alternatively a pinch of clove powder)
4 1 /2 cups water ( divided by cups)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 to 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg to taste
1 1/ 2 teaspoon vanilla extract (replaceable with two whole berries with vanilla)
397g of sweetened condensed milk

Put in a pot: rice, barley, cinnamon sticks and cloves. If you use the vanilla beans , add the rest of the ingredients. Otherwise, DO NOT add the vanilla extract. Add 3 cups of water. Mix it all together . Boil over medium heat - high. Then reduce the heat and cook until reduced to liquid. The rice should be soft. If necessary add more water during cooking. Remove from heat and let cool for 15 minutes at room temperature. Remove the cinnamon sticks. The whole cloves can also leave. Remove the vanilla beans if they are employed. Add the cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla extract
( Add only if you have not used before, the vanilla beans ).
Transfer half of the compound of wheat and rice in a blender and blend .
Pour about half of the concentrated milk and 3/ 4 of the water. Cover everything. Whisk together the mixture of wheat and rice.
Strain mixture through fine mesh strainer into a wide mouth pitcher, using a spoon to press the grains against the strainer to get the most liquid out . Discard grains. Repeat with remaining grain mixture , evaporated milk and water. Stir in sugar to taste. Add additional water to thin to desired consistency, if necessary. Cover and refregerate until well chilled, about 3 to 4 hours. Serve cold.
Recipe of 07/10/2013

The Nuxia's  Suggestions:
For this type of recipe is necessary to use the measures in cups . just lose a small container capacity of 250 ml and measure all the ingredients in it.

mercoledì 2 ottobre 2013

Sharab el tout (Drink the juice of mulberries) - Lebanon

Travelling ..... in cuisines all over the world!
Back again this year our summer trip through the cuisines all over the world with many new recipes and places to visit. This week we travel with:

Sharab el tout (Drink the juice of mulberries) - Lebanon
( This recipe is By Nuxia )

This drink the juice of blackberries ( more specifically mulberry ) is widespread in Lebanon. Just make a syrup of blackberries (or mulberry ) that is served diluted with water and mixed with ice-cubes. A really refreshing drink, great in the summer and beyond.


1 Kg mulberry (or blackberry )
1 kg (4 cups) sugar
3 tablespoons lemon juice

Blend in a food processor blackberries (or mulberry ). Strain the juice through a sieve with a dense grid. Alternatively able to use the classic passaverdura hand. Put the juice in a pot. Add the sugar. Put on high heat and cook until begins to boil. Remove the pan from the heat. Add the lemon juice and put on the fire to boil for a few minutes. Switch off. Allow to cool. Decant the liquid into a glass bottle and seal. Once opened, the bottle should be stored in the refrigerator. To prepare the drink follow these instructions: In a tall glass add 3-4 tablespoons of blackberry juice (or mulberry juice). Fill the glass with water and mix thoroughly with a spoon to drink. Add ice cubes to taste. Serve.
Recipe of 02/10/2013

Sharab el tout ( Bibita al succo di more ) - Libano

Viaggiando..... nella cucina di tutto il mondo!
Torna anche quest'anno il nostro viaggio estivo attraverso la cucina di tutto il mondo con tante nuove ricette e posti da visitare. Questa settimana viaggiamo con:

Sharab el tout ( Bibita al succo di gelso o more ) - Libano
( Questa ricetta è di Nuxia )

Questa bibita al succo di more ( più precisamente di gelso ) è molto diffusa in Libano. Basta fare uno sciroppo di gelso (o di more ) che viene servito diluito con acqua e con aggiunta di cubetti di ghiaccio. Una bibita davvero dissetante, ottima in estate e non solo.


1 Kg di More ( o gelso )
1 kg di zucchero
3 cucchiai di succo di limone

Frullare in un food processor le more ( o il gelso). Filtrare il succo con un colino a maglie fitte. In alternativa potere utilizzare il classico passaverdura a mano. Mettere il succo in una pentola. Aggiungere il lo zucchero. Mettere sul fuoco a fiamma alta e lasciare cuocere fino a quando inizierà a bollire. Allontanare dal fuoco la pentola. Aggiungere il succo di limone e rimettere sul fuoco a bollire per pochi minuti. Spegnere. Lasciare intiepidire. Trasferire il liquido in una bottiglia di vetro e chiudere ermeticamente. Una volta aperta la bottiglia va conservata in frigorifero. Per preparare la bibita seguire queste indicazioni: In un bicchiere alto inserire 3 - 4 cucchiai di succo di more (o succo di gelso). Riempire il bicchiere di acqua e mescolare il tutto con un cucchiaio da bibita. Aggiungere cubetti di ghiaccio a piacere. Servire.
Ricetta del 02/10/2013