(This recipe is from Perugia by Susanna)
This is the recipe from a friend who last year I ran with success has been very popular with friends

Doses for c / a 20 Pampepato:
• 1 tablespoon freshly ground pepper
• 1 kg. clean of nuts
• 400 g. clean and toasted hazelnuts in the oven for 10 'to 250 °
• 400 g. clean and toasted almonds in the oven for 20 'c / yy 200 ° (should be just golden)
• 200 g. clean pine nuts
• 300 g. of cooked
• 350 g. of honey
• 1 kg. dark chocolate
• 2 lemons grated
• 2 oranges, grated
• A grating of nutmeg (less than half)
• 1 glass of cold sweet coffee
• 200 g. flour c / a (one that collects)
• 200 g. lime green (even candy are fine)
600 g. raisins by soaking in white wine (by squeezing)
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Add the melted chocolate at the end in a double boiler, flour and pepper. Let the dough (all night). Make balls and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Under the balls a little 'or wafers of flour (or parchment paper). The balls tend tend to open, adjust them with a spoon dipped in cold water.
Recipe of the December 28
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