(This recipe is Nuxia)
This recipe created by my grandfather, a professional chef, and proposed in kitchens all over the world. Handed down from generation to generation, even today finally come to your table. A perfect recipe for those who did not have much time for cooking, but who wants to impress with a plate full of flavor.

Ingredients for 4 persons:
350g egg noodles
450g of mushrooms already cleaned and cut into slices or frozen
250 g of fresh, tender peas or canned
50 g of fresh diced bacon
250 g of fresh cream (preferably light)
some chopped parsley
salt and black pepper to taste
.extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic
In a pan pour a little oil, fry a clove of garlic, and add the mushrooms. Stir for a minute. Add the chopped parsley leaves part of it for the final decoration and bacon and stir. Then add the peas and half a glass of water if necessary to cook the peas if one were to use fresh ones. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium low. For about ten minutes. Put in a pot to boil water. Check the cooking of the peas in a pan, add the cream, season with salt and black pepper. Cook for 5 minutes or until the cream will start to shrink. Turn off the heat. Make sure the water reaches the boiling pot and pour the noodles. Cook the noodles for a minute maximum. Turn on the burner under the pan. Throw in the noodles with a little liquid has been cooked. Jumping with the sauce for a minute. Decorate the plate with a little parsley advanced. Serve.
Recipe of the 26/03/2012
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