The celebrations are bound to end the festivities, but the food on our tables or advanced in our pantries?It 'obvious that if we do not know how to use the food in excess, will inevitably end in the trash.This book was born from the need to be more respectful of the food, the environment and the money gone out of our pockets. Although we are in a period of economic crisis, some excess on the purchase of food we are allowed there, but if we do not want us to take remorse, here are some practical tips to stay happy, happy e. .. filled!I imagine opening your refrigerator will provide a vast amount of cooked food, or even boxed, so take into account the most common cases.
Italian Colomba and Easter Eggs: And now what am I doing?
If you have received a lot of doves and easter eggs, or how well you have received too much at Christmas panettone here are two new recipes that adapt well to well recycle these sweets parties.
Nuxia Dessert of chocolate
(This recipe By Nuxia)

For 12 people:
1 Italian Colomba or traditional cake or panettone (without fariciture)
600g dark chocolate, or milk or white (okay that of Easter eggs)
500 g of fresh cream
Liquor with low alcohol content of your choice.
First, it is Easter doves remove the top cap of the cake if it is decorated with sugar and almonds, without cutting the cake. Just scrape with a knife, sugar and crumble the entire decorated surface. Gather the crumbs of sugar and almonds and keep aside. cut into slices not too thick, the dove. In the case of cake or panettone, cut into horizontal slices and then into four parts. to have so many scraps of cake. Turn your oven to brown and go to grill. must be with a crispy crust. We'll take a few minutes. Go into the cutter sugar crumbs and almonds both whole and in pieces. Remove the toasted slices of the cake. In double boiler melt the chocolate with 400g of cream, until a thick cream. In a bowl or individual cups (you can also use martini glasses cocktal type) just to wet the bottom with liquor: Alchermes or Vermouth, or otherwise. Place the pieces of sweet toasted, pour a little cream over the chocolate, and over a few crumbs of almonds and sugar. Do many layers to fill your chosen container. decorated with whipped cream, you will not have used before.
Italian Colomba and panettone stuffed: Help What I do with them?
An old trick to reuse the leftover pastries stuffed.
An old trick to reuse the leftover cake is stuffed them into small sweetness!
Bon Bon Chocolate
(This recipe By Nuxia)
1/2 stuffed Italian Colomba
low alcohol liqueur of your choice
Dark chocolate or milk or white (perhaps enhanced by the Easter eggs)
Melt chocolate in double boiler.In a large bowl cutter with the ability to enter or dove or panettone panettone spezzettandola with a knife. add a shot of liquor of your choice and operate your equipment. get a hard enough and homogeneous mixture. If your unit has difficulty working, add a little liquid chocolate. With very clean hands make small balls, as big as a walnut. With the help of a spoon to dip them in chocolate and place on a tray lined with baking paper to cool to solidify, (in the fridge for a few hours) before serving.
Boiled eggs: I'm a little too advanced!
Never fear: hard-boiled eggs are perfect for any type reuse, especially for starters. We propose to fry. Do you understand? Yes, fry! Here's the recipe:
Hard-boiled eggs ... Fries!
(This recipe By Nuxia)
Hard-boiled eggs.
Some freshly beaten egg with a pinch of salt and black pepper
Semolina powder
bread crumbs
To accompany:Vinaigrette made with oil, vinegar, a little lemon juice, chopped parsley and a pinch of salt and pepper.
Dip the eggs before they semolina, then in beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs repeat one more time before proceeding with the remaining eggs. frying pan heat a little oil, so that the crust becomes golden. Serve with the vinaigrette.
Fresh pasta and company:
There are advanced tortellini, anolini, ravioli, tagliatelle or fresh tomato sauce, etc.?Do not worry! Just turn the whole or a timbale timbale!We proceed:
Custard surprise

What you need:
This preparation is fine if there is advanced:
uncooked pasta or tortellini in broth or other simple (vegetable or meat)
You will also need:
Paste Browse or Brisèè, which probably have bought for the holidays.
Alternatively, use the dough, very easy to prepare at home.
Cheese, or fresh or semi-cured (type mozzarella)
A little parmesan cheese.
1 egg yolk
a pinch salt
Advanced sausages (eg bacon, sweet salami, ham, ham) you choose which one you prefer and do not use more than one type, please!)
As an alternative to sausages, use boiled vegetables (like zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin, etc..)
Take the pasta already cooked, or if you have not previously cooked cook until al dente, drain the water or broth. Cut into cubes, the sausage if you can, or if it is already cut into slices like a sausage into small pieces. Even the cheese cut into cubes. Mix the three ingredients in a bowl. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and mix.Adjust the salt if it is necessaryRoll out the puff pastry with rolling pin or bread, 3 / 4 covered an oven, previously oiled and floured, the bottom and sides of the mold. With a fork holes in the bottom and sides of dough. Inserted into the stuffing before. Spread another layer of pasta and the mold and close the pie sealing the edges of the dough so that it will not open during cooking. Holes in the surface with a fork and decorated as desired.Finally, brush the surface with an egg yolk. Bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. wait ten minutes before removing the flan from the mold.
Pie surprise

What you need:
Two large egg
plant Pasta with sauce (example: wheat pasta with tomato sauce, tortellini with Bolognese sauce, noodles with fish sauce, etc..)
Parmesan Cheese
A pinch of salt
Oil for frying
Cut into thin slices along the length of the eggplant (consider that you have chosen to fill the entire mold and the entire top surface)Just fry in hot oil. Alternatively if your filling is too rich in calories, you can grill the eggplant on a grill. Season with salt. But in this case, you should remember to grease the mold of eggplant before dressing. Coat the mold with the slices of eggplant, leaving no gaps. In addition, the slices must oozing from the mold (You will need to reseal the surface once filled with stuffing.) Filling, then filling the mold of choice mixed with a handful of grated Parmesan cheese. Fold sides toward the center of the eggplant that stampi.Utilizzare oozing from some other slice kept aside to cover the entire surface of pie. Finish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and brush evenly on the surface of the oil with a pastry brush. Bake at 180 ° C - 360 F for about 20 minutes. allow to cool before you unmold the mold. You can also prepare individual portions in small molds.Want another idea?Content with you now!
Aspic of tortellini or vegetables or seafood

What you need:
Tortellini cooked in broth simple or Vegetables fried or grilled or Salad with seafood without its dressingorboiled meat
Sheets of gelatin (gelatin)
Vegetable broth
First, soak in water (as indicated on the package) the gelatine. Prepare the vegetable broth. Times comply with instructions given on the package of gelatin.pentolino.Aggiungere dissolve in a broth. In one or more molds pour your filling (eg vegetables, ravioli, etc..). The stuffing should be wide enough in the mold. Pour over the jelly. Leave to cool. Cover the preparation with aluminum foil and place in refrigerator to solidify for at least a couple of hours.To remove the aspic mold to pass before the bottom of this in hot water for a few seconds. Then flip the mold in the pot.
Ooops! In the fridge I was the sausage and lentils!
Do not worry here are some really simple ways to present six dishes are truly unique!You have two pretty good solutions for the next recipe I am going to give away:1) Use lentils and sausage together,2) Use only the sausage.
Omelette with sausage (and lentils)

You can make this recipe is in the pan in the oven, the choice is yours!What you need:
A sausage stew Lentils boiled (optional)
Eggs (to be defined according to the diners and the amount of sausage available)
A pinch of salt
A pinch of black pepper
Oil for frying
Baking paperIn a bowl, peel the boiled sausage, and crumble. (Add the lentils read if you wish).
Add the eggs lightly beaten. Adjust salt if necessary. add a pinch of black pepper.Mix everything together. If you want to fry the omelette, heat extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan. pour the mixture of sausage and cover with a lid, cook the omelet to one side then turn it upside down with the lid (making sure oil! Check that there is otherwise drain the excess first to flip the omelette on the cover) and put in the pan to finish cooking the other side of the omelet.If you proceed with the baking, a mold lined with baking paper and pour the mixture of pork sausage. Bake at 200 ° C - 400 F, for about 15 minutes or until eggs are coagulated and form a crust on the surface is just golden.
Tartlets with lentticchie and pork sausage

What you need:A sausage stewboiled lentils
Brisèe paste or Browseof
chopped white onion
Cream of potato ready (Mashed)
A pinch of salt
Peel the boiled sausage and cut into slices. In a skillet, heat a little olive oil and the chopped white onion. Combine lentils, and cook for a minute. Add salt if necessary.Roll out the dough brisè or browse and obtain records. Lining the molds for tartlets buttered and floured. Prick the dough with a fork. Enter inside a circle of baking paper and fill with dried beans. (Will be used for cooking tartlets, so cooking the dough does not get up from the bottom) Put in the oven at 180 ° C -360 F, for 15 minutes. Remove the tartlets from the oven empty them from the paper and beans. Fill the tartlets lentil inserted in the center of a slice of sausage and pour over a tablespoon of cream of potato ready. Go to the grill of the oven for a few minutes the tartlets.Serve warm.
There was the boiled meat or chicken?No problem!
A simple idea and easy!
Pate or chicken meat

What you need:
Boiled meat
A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
a pinch of salt
A pinch of black pepper.
Drain the meat from the broth in which it was boiled, privatala by which it is attached to any bones and insert it in the mixer. Add a little olive oil, a pinch of salt and black pepper and operate your mixer for a few seconds. You will get a pate, great spread on toast in the oven when heated.
That cake or pudding that is still left them in the box?
And in that pumpkin head go there as nothing to give it a shape? Idea!
Zuccotto Pandora and nougat cream

With this recipe you can also use the cake.What you need:A Pandoro or a panettone the
chocolate custard or cream
The hard type of Cremona Torrone (optional)
or Of chocolate chips
if you use the classic custard
Cocoa powder
Powdered sugar
A glass bowl or mold domeIn a mortar to reduce the nougat pieces. Then in a blender passatatelo powerful.Cut a 1 cm thick rectangular strips pandoro or cake to 2cm. Cover the bowl or dome-shaped mold with plastic wrap for food.Coat the mold with the slices of Pandoro (or cake), remember to set aside a part that will be used to cover and then close the zuccotto. the custard mix aside to be supported with enough pieces of nougat or chocolate chips.Sprinkle with 50ml of rum pandoro covering the dome or the bowl. inserted into the custard and cover with strips of pandoro kept aside. cover with plastic wrap and put the mold in the freezer and let stand for about 2 hours. Remove the film upside down on a plate. Remove foil and the other remained, and sprinkle with cocoa and powdered sugar.In the same way you can make a trifle alternating layers of Pandoro (or Panettone) and custard, replacing the rum with the alkermes.
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