The Puff Pastry
This week we continue the journey, the discovery of solid mixtures. This time, we will deal with the puff pastry.The puff pastry is the undisputed queen of the mixtures. Its origins stem from Egypt, which was prepared with oil, but over time, this ingredient was replaced by butter, using a French baker. But like all legends in the world of sweets, he wants to contend for its design are many. But the absolute protagonist of the legend remains the puff pastry, which peculiarity, handed down to us, are the light layers that form during cooking and "rising" in height. The main ingredients for the pastry is prepared: flour and butter. Its preparation requires significantly long time. His secret, besides being the one to follow with precision all the required steps in the recipe, ie, the "revolutions" of the dough and rest time, is the cold, and her real secret ingredient. In fact, without the right of the dough rest in the refrigerator, we could not get its lightness and crispness final. There are several recipes for preparing the puff pastry, but mostly there is also a version of "fast" that saves a lot of time, with the only drawback, however, that in the final cooking up a little less than the "classic" version. The pastry is used in the preparation of sweet and savory tarts, pastries and cookies to cakes, as well as the delicious "ventaglietti" of French origin and known throughout the world. In essence, the pastry is one of the most popular bases in preparations of sweet pastry International. Below are the recipes of the classic puff pastry, and the quick.
- Classic puff pastry

Ingredients for the pastry dough:
250 ml of water
150 grams of flour Manitoba
200 g of flour 00
8 grams of salt
ingredients for the dough
250 grams of butter
75 g of flour 00
To prepare the dough started with the preparation of the pastel. Mix and sift the flours, preferably in a global hook leaf, or by hand. Dissolve the salt in water and mixed it all on medium speed for about 8 minutes: you have to obtain a more soft and elastic as that of bread and, of course, smooth and homogeneous. Let rest, covered with a cloth in a cool place for at least half an hour.In the meantime, start preparing the dough. Remove butter from refrigerator and cut into cubes and put it in with 75 grams of global flour mix until mixture is smooth and without lumps.Transfer the dough on a pastry board and cut it into a square with a thickness of about 1 cm, or with floured hands or placing it between two sheets of greaseproof paper and flattening it with the help of a rolling pin. Place the dough in the bottom of the fridge - the coldest - for at least half an hour.Roll out the pastry dough: you'll get a rectangle about 50 inches long in which to place the center of the dough, now ready, cover with the two longer edges of the pastel,making them fit together (remember that the dough must be centrally superimposed to create an effect that will prevent the dough closed box to open during the writing).Fold the other two edges, until you close the dough on each side. Always remember to flour the work surface and dough to make your work easier spreading.Take a rolling pin and apply pressure sull'impasto, so as to make the dough soft butter. You can then begin to roll out the dough, you must acquire a rectangular shape, smooth. To do this, do not just roll it back and forth by moving the rolling pin (or you may get an hourglass-shaped pasta), but you have to give oblique movements, taking a rolling pin along the diagonal of your rectangle ideal, in order to widen even the center. When you get a width of about 25 cm proceed with the folds. Fold the two shorter sides so that they fit in the middle of the longest side,make sure not to overlap the two flaps and fold it in the book, placing a strip on the other.Once your dough ready mark it with a press of the button (which will remind you that you have just performed the first fold), wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least half an hour. At that point, remove the dough, place it in front of you with the opening on the right and repeat the process of drafting and bending. Before the film rewind and reposition it in the fridge, mark twice to remember making the second fold. The whole process will be repeated two more times for a total of four folds. In the end, the dough will be left to rest in the fridge for at least an hour. If you do not want to use now your dough, you can wrap it in plastic wrap and store in freezer.
- Quick puff pastry
225gr flour 00
140gr cold butter cut into small cubes
q.b.acqua cold
q.b. salt
Method: Sift the flour and add a pinch of salt. Add the butter cubes and without sand,formed a fountain. Pour in a little cold water at a time, until dough is firm. Let rest in refrigerator for 10 minutes. Roll out the dough into a rectangle 30cm X 10cm, foldedin three and roll out again. Let rest in refrigerator for 15 minutes again. Take up the dough and roll it out again, folded in three, and let rest again for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. Repeat the operation again to get to the end of three folded totals.Once the dough in the fridge let it rest 10 minutes before using.
- Classic puff pastry

Ingredients for the pastry dough:
250 ml of water
150 grams of flour Manitoba
200 g of flour 00
8 grams of salt
ingredients for the dough
250 grams of butter
75 g of flour 00
To prepare the dough started with the preparation of the pastel. Mix and sift the flours, preferably in a global hook leaf, or by hand. Dissolve the salt in water and mixed it all on medium speed for about 8 minutes: you have to obtain a more soft and elastic as that of bread and, of course, smooth and homogeneous. Let rest, covered with a cloth in a cool place for at least half an hour.In the meantime, start preparing the dough. Remove butter from refrigerator and cut into cubes and put it in with 75 grams of global flour mix until mixture is smooth and without lumps.Transfer the dough on a pastry board and cut it into a square with a thickness of about 1 cm, or with floured hands or placing it between two sheets of greaseproof paper and flattening it with the help of a rolling pin. Place the dough in the bottom of the fridge - the coldest - for at least half an hour.Roll out the pastry dough: you'll get a rectangle about 50 inches long in which to place the center of the dough, now ready, cover with the two longer edges of the pastel,making them fit together (remember that the dough must be centrally superimposed to create an effect that will prevent the dough closed box to open during the writing).Fold the other two edges, until you close the dough on each side. Always remember to flour the work surface and dough to make your work easier spreading.Take a rolling pin and apply pressure sull'impasto, so as to make the dough soft butter. You can then begin to roll out the dough, you must acquire a rectangular shape, smooth. To do this, do not just roll it back and forth by moving the rolling pin (or you may get an hourglass-shaped pasta), but you have to give oblique movements, taking a rolling pin along the diagonal of your rectangle ideal, in order to widen even the center. When you get a width of about 25 cm proceed with the folds. Fold the two shorter sides so that they fit in the middle of the longest side,make sure not to overlap the two flaps and fold it in the book, placing a strip on the other.Once your dough ready mark it with a press of the button (which will remind you that you have just performed the first fold), wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least half an hour. At that point, remove the dough, place it in front of you with the opening on the right and repeat the process of drafting and bending. Before the film rewind and reposition it in the fridge, mark twice to remember making the second fold. The whole process will be repeated two more times for a total of four folds. In the end, the dough will be left to rest in the fridge for at least an hour. If you do not want to use now your dough, you can wrap it in plastic wrap and store in freezer.
- Quick puff pastry

225gr flour 00
140gr cold butter cut into small cubes
q.b.acqua cold
q.b. salt
Method: Sift the flour and add a pinch of salt. Add the butter cubes and without sand,formed a fountain. Pour in a little cold water at a time, until dough is firm. Let rest in refrigerator for 10 minutes. Roll out the dough into a rectangle 30cm X 10cm, foldedin three and roll out again. Let rest in refrigerator for 15 minutes again. Take up the dough and roll it out again, folded in three, and let rest again for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. Repeat the operation again to get to the end of three folded totals.Once the dough in the fridge let it rest 10 minutes before using.
If you want to discover the tempting recipes with pasta or pasta strudel brisée You do not have to visit the section "More recipe" for sweets, and "Menu nuxia and not only" for the salt (you can click directly on these titles).
(This recipe By NUXIA)
Cake sweet pastry filled with a mixture of chopped nuts with sugar and eggsIngredients for 6 persons:
350 g puff pastry lying
50 g of flour
50 g of butter
5 eggs
200 g of shelled walnuts
150 g of caster sugar
In a bowl beat the egg yolks (no whites throwing) with the sugar until they are softand well fitted. Combine the flour, finely chopped nuts to the blender and you'll meltthe butter in a double boiler. Apart from mounted the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mixture. Line a cake tin with greaseproof paper and lined with pastry, pour the egg mixture and nuts and bake in oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Recipe of 25/01/2012

Apple pie meringue
(This recipe is Valentina G. - Torino)
Cake sweet pastry, stuffed with stewed apples and cinnamon and topped with a layer of meringueIngredients for 6 persons:
3 eggs
a knob of butter
5 tablespoons granulated sugar
4 apples
Ground cinnamon to taste
Salt to taste
Peel the apples, cored and cut into privatele cubes. Put them to cook for about 8 minutes in a saucepan with the butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. In a bowl beat the egg whites with 3 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt until the mixture is well fitted. Line a pie dish with pastry, leaving it in its non-stick paper, pour the mixture of apples, level the surface and cover with the egg whites mounted. Smooth out the surface with a spatula, decorated as desired and bake in oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.
BROWSE daisies
(This recipe is from Sonia V.)
Delicious biscuits made with puff pastry.INGREDIENTS300 g puff pastry
250 g sugar
200 g mixed forest
10 apricot
Make a syrup by boiling for one minute with 300 g of water g150 sugar, apricots join split in half and pitted, let them cook for exactly one minute from the resumption of the boil, then drain and let cool on a wire rack resting. Roll out the puff pastry thawed, about 3 mm thickness, then cut it with a stencil to flower, getting 20 daisies. Arrange them on a plate covered with a sheet of baking paper, supported on each half apricot upside-down, then coat them in the oven already heated to 200 ° for 15 'or so. Meanwhile, boil for a minute the mixed forest and the remaining sugar (g 100), crushing the fruit with a fork to get a semi-dense sauce.When the cooking is completed, the daisies out of the oven, arrange in serving dish, sprinkle with the sauce and serve with berries still warm.Recipe of 2012/01/26
TART PASTRY pineapple
(This recipe is by Cristina B.)
Tart pastry simple and good
500g puff pastry
(This recipe is Sabrina77)
Cake sweet pastry filled with a mixture of chopped nuts with sugar and eggs
Ingredients for 6 persons:
300g di puff pastry
Wash peaches, and cut into wedgessnocciolatele that let soak for about an hour, spray it with a glass of liquor. Heat the milk with lemon peel. Mix the flour with the egg yolks and caster sugar, then dilutedwith milk, hot but not boiling, pour slowly. Bring the cream on the stove and letsimmer for 5 ', then shut off and let cool, stirring occasionally. Roll out the dough to 3mm thick and give it the shape of a rectangle of 13x23 cm. Place it on a bakingbrush with cold water, then pass it in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 '. Whip the cream and incorporate cold cream now. Divide the pastry into two equal piecesby cutting thickness; pareggiateli the edges, then the first, pour the cream over which you will have drained peaches. Cover with the second piece of pastry. Put the cake on a plate and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Recipe of 2012/01/30
- Nuxia's menu but not only
(This recipe BY NUXIA)
Quiche pastry filled with slices of Prague, Swiss cheese and onions, covered with amixture of eggs, milk and Parmesan cheese
Ingredients for 4 people:
50 g of grated Parmesan
3 eggs
100 g of sliced ham Prague
100 g of sliced Swiss cheese
q.b. Extra virgin olive oil
q.b. nutmeg
q.b. Salt and pepper
an onion
3 dl of milk
Cut the onion into slices and let them sauté for a few minutes with 2 tablespoons ofolive oil, salt and pepper. Line a pie dish with pastry, leaving it in its special non-stick paper. Cover the bottom with the ham, add the onions and cover with slices ofSwiss cheese. In a bowl beat the eggs with a whisk, combine the milk, Parmesan cheese, a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper. Pour the mixture into the pan, make sure they do not remain empty, and bake in oven at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.
Recipe of 2012/01/25
Meatloaf CAGE
(This recipe BY Nuxia)
Meatloaf, veal, beef and chicken wrapped in bacon and covered with pastry
500 g puff pastry
Clean a big handful of basil leaves that you will pass the food processor along withthe mozzarella into chunks, pine nuts, a pinch of salt and half a clove of garlic.Gather the mixture in a bowl and divide into 24 equal parts. Grease a baking tray.Roll out the puff pastry into 3 mm thick, pennellatela cold water, then line up the 24portions of the compound at a distance of 5 cm from each other; Cover them with the remaining free pasta, which reverses the above. Good press around eachmound, then cut with a fluted pastry cutter to the edge of 5 cm in diameter. Place the 24 "bites" on the plate already buttered, with the egg yolk beaten with pennellatelilittle cold water and bake in oven at 250 degrees C for about 15 '. Arrange the "bite"on a warm platter, then serve.
More recipes:
TART PASTRY pineapple
(This recipe is by Cristina B.)
Tart pastry simple and good
500g puff pastry
(This recipe is Sabrina77)
Cake sweet pastry filled with a mixture of chopped nuts with sugar and eggs
Ingredients for 6 persons:
300g di puff pastry
Wash peaches, and cut into wedgessnocciolatele that let soak for about an hour, spray it with a glass of liquor. Heat the milk with lemon peel. Mix the flour with the egg yolks and caster sugar, then dilutedwith milk, hot but not boiling, pour slowly. Bring the cream on the stove and letsimmer for 5 ', then shut off and let cool, stirring occasionally. Roll out the dough to 3mm thick and give it the shape of a rectangle of 13x23 cm. Place it on a bakingbrush with cold water, then pass it in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 '. Whip the cream and incorporate cold cream now. Divide the pastry into two equal piecesby cutting thickness; pareggiateli the edges, then the first, pour the cream over which you will have drained peaches. Cover with the second piece of pastry. Put the cake on a plate and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Recipe of 2012/01/30
- Your recipes and more recipes

(This recipe By NUXIA)
Cake sweet pastry filled with a mixture of chopped nuts with sugar and eggsIngredients for 6 persons:
350 g puff pastry lying
50 g of flour
50 g of butter
5 eggs
200 g of shelled walnuts
150 g of caster sugar
In a bowl beat the egg yolks (no whites throwing) with the sugar until they are softand well fitted. Combine the flour, finely chopped nuts to the blender and you'll meltthe butter in a double boiler. Apart from mounted the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mixture. Line a cake tin with greaseproof paper and lined with pastry, pour the egg mixture and nuts and bake in oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Recipe of 25/01/2012
(This recipe By NUXIA)
Cakes of puff pastry to enjoy with the tea.
Ingredients for 4 people:
puff pastry
Sugar cane
Sprinkle the pastry sugar on both sides, fold the side along both sides several timesuntil it touches, so get 12/13 rolls. Place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, making sure you see the side with the design created by the overlap. Put in hot oven at 200 ° C until they are golden, remembering to turn themhalfway through cooking.
Recipe of 25/01/2012
(This recipe By NUXIA)
Cakes of puff pastry to enjoy with the tea.
Ingredients for 4 people:
puff pastry
Sugar cane
Sprinkle the pastry sugar on both sides, fold the side along both sides several timesuntil it touches, so get 12/13 rolls. Place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, making sure you see the side with the design created by the overlap. Put in hot oven at 200 ° C until they are golden, remembering to turn themhalfway through cooking.
Recipe of 25/01/2012

(This recipe is Valentina G. - Torino)
Cake sweet pastry, stuffed with stewed apples and cinnamon and topped with a layer of meringueIngredients for 6 persons:
3 eggs
a knob of butter
5 tablespoons granulated sugar
4 apples
Ground cinnamon to taste
Salt to taste
Peel the apples, cored and cut into privatele cubes. Put them to cook for about 8 minutes in a saucepan with the butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. In a bowl beat the egg whites with 3 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt until the mixture is well fitted. Line a pie dish with pastry, leaving it in its non-stick paper, pour the mixture of apples, level the surface and cover with the egg whites mounted. Smooth out the surface with a spatula, decorated as desired and bake in oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.
Recipe of 2012/01/26

(This recipe is from Sonia V.)
Delicious biscuits made with puff pastry.INGREDIENTS300 g puff pastry
250 g sugar
200 g mixed forest
10 apricot
Make a syrup by boiling for one minute with 300 g of water g150 sugar, apricots join split in half and pitted, let them cook for exactly one minute from the resumption of the boil, then drain and let cool on a wire rack resting. Roll out the puff pastry thawed, about 3 mm thickness, then cut it with a stencil to flower, getting 20 daisies. Arrange them on a plate covered with a sheet of baking paper, supported on each half apricot upside-down, then coat them in the oven already heated to 200 ° for 15 'or so. Meanwhile, boil for a minute the mixed forest and the remaining sugar (g 100), crushing the fruit with a fork to get a semi-dense sauce.When the cooking is completed, the daisies out of the oven, arrange in serving dish, sprinkle with the sauce and serve with berries still warm.Recipe of 2012/01/26

(This recipe is by Cristina B.)
Tart pastry simple and good
500g puff pastry
100g shelled pistachios
2 biscuits
a pineapple
1 egg
1 / 2 lemon
powdered sugar
2 biscuits
a pineapple
1 egg
1 / 2 lemon
powdered sugar
Melt the butter in a pan with 3 tablespoons of sugar until you get a golden caramel, stirring with half a lemon speared on a fork. Then add the pineapple slices reduced to a thickness of 5 mm and cook for 8 'or so, until dry. Leave to cool. Roll out thepastry to a thickness of 3 mm, divide it into two parts a little 'smaller than the other, and with the larger one, a cake tin lined with movable (diameter 29 cm, h cm 3)making it a little overboard . Spread flour on the bottom of the mixer obtained by passing the pistachios, the biscuits and 1 / 2 tablespoon of sugar. Add the pineapple with its now cold sauce and cover with remaining pastry, which you haverecorded net with the special roller, properly expanded and brush with beaten egg.Seal the edges with a rifilateli
knife, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake at 200 ° C for 20 '.
Melt the butter in a pan with 3 tablespoons of sugar until you get a golden caramel, stirring with half a lemon speared on a fork. Then add the pineapple slices reduced to a thickness of 5 mm and cook for 8 'or so, until dry. Leave to cool. Roll out thepastry to a thickness of 3 mm, divide it into two parts a little 'smaller than the other, and with the larger one, a cake tin lined with movable (diameter 29 cm, h cm 3)making it a little overboard . Spread flour on the bottom of the mixer obtained by passing the pistachios, the biscuits and 1 / 2 tablespoon of sugar. Add the pineapple with its now cold sauce and cover with remaining pastry, which you haverecorded net with the special roller, properly expanded and brush with beaten egg.Seal the edges with a rifilateli
knife, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake at 200 ° C for 20 '.
Recipe of 2012/01/27

(This recipe is Sabrina77)
Cake sweet pastry filled with a mixture of chopped nuts with sugar and eggs
Ingredients for 6 persons:
300g di puff pastry
50 g of flour
50 g of butter
5 eggs
200 g of shelled walnuts
150 g of sugar
In a bowl beat the egg yolks (no whites throwing) with the sugar until they are softand well fitted. Combine the flour, finely chopped nuts to the blender and you'll meltthe butter in a double boiler. Apart from mounted the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mixture. Line a pie dish with pastry, leaving it in its special non-stickpaper, pour the egg mixture and nuts and bake in oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Recipe of 2012/01/27
50 g of butter
5 eggs
200 g of shelled walnuts
150 g of sugar
In a bowl beat the egg yolks (no whites throwing) with the sugar until they are softand well fitted. Combine the flour, finely chopped nuts to the blender and you'll meltthe butter in a double boiler. Apart from mounted the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mixture. Line a pie dish with pastry, leaving it in its special non-stickpaper, pour the egg mixture and nuts and bake in oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Recipe of 2012/01/27
( This recipes by Nuxia )
A sweet fast and light
600 g nectarines
300 g puff pastry
250 g milk
150 g whipping cream
75g caster sugar - 20 g white flour from to 2 egg yolks
Wash peaches, and cut into wedgessnocciolatele that let soak for about an hour, spray it with a glass of liquor. Heat the milk with lemon peel. Mix the flour with the egg yolks and caster sugar, then dilutedwith milk, hot but not boiling, pour slowly. Bring the cream on the stove and letsimmer for 5 ', then shut off and let cool, stirring occasionally. Roll out the dough to 3mm thick and give it the shape of a rectangle of 13x23 cm. Place it on a bakingbrush with cold water, then pass it in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 '. Whip the cream and incorporate cold cream now. Divide the pastry into two equal piecesby cutting thickness; pareggiateli the edges, then the first, pour the cream over which you will have drained peaches. Cover with the second piece of pastry. Put the cake on a plate and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Recipe of 2012/01/30
- Nuxia's menu but not only

(This recipe BY NUXIA)
Quiche pastry filled with slices of Prague, Swiss cheese and onions, covered with amixture of eggs, milk and Parmesan cheese
Ingredients for 4 people:
50 g of grated Parmesan
3 eggs
100 g of sliced ham Prague
100 g of sliced Swiss cheese
q.b. Extra virgin olive oil
q.b. nutmeg
q.b. Salt and pepper
an onion
3 dl of milk
Cut the onion into slices and let them sauté for a few minutes with 2 tablespoons ofolive oil, salt and pepper. Line a pie dish with pastry, leaving it in its special non-stick paper. Cover the bottom with the ham, add the onions and cover with slices ofSwiss cheese. In a bowl beat the eggs with a whisk, combine the milk, Parmesan cheese, a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper. Pour the mixture into the pan, make sure they do not remain empty, and bake in oven at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.
Recipe of 2012/01/25
Mincemeat Pie
(This recipe is from Jessica C. - Davenport IA - USA)
Pie of meat mixed with dried fruit marinade, covered with puff pastry and baked.
Ingredients for 4 people:
butter to taste
pepper to taste
Ground cinnamon to taste
salt to taste
6 dried figs
500 g of ground beef
200 g of puff pastry
2 tablespoons raisins
1 Apples
1 tablespoon candied
1 tablespoon almond
1 small glass of brandy
In a bowl, arrange the apple, peeled and cut into cubes, add chopped figs, brandy, a pinch of cinnamon, raisins, almonds and candied fruit. Let the mixture marinate for one or 2 days in refrigerator. Grease the bottom of a baking dish, dispose yourselfto half of the meat mixed fruit marinade and spread the fruit remained on the surface. Cover with the pastry edges to seal securely practiced at the center of the container and a hole to allow steam to escape during cooking. Bake in preheated oven at 200C - (400F) degrees for about 45 minutes, let cool and serve.
Recipe of 2012/01/26
(This recipe is from Jessica C. - Davenport IA - USA)
Pie of meat mixed with dried fruit marinade, covered with puff pastry and baked.
Ingredients for 4 people:
butter to taste
pepper to taste
Ground cinnamon to taste
salt to taste
6 dried figs
500 g of ground beef
200 g of puff pastry
2 tablespoons raisins
1 Apples
1 tablespoon candied
1 tablespoon almond
1 small glass of brandy
In a bowl, arrange the apple, peeled and cut into cubes, add chopped figs, brandy, a pinch of cinnamon, raisins, almonds and candied fruit. Let the mixture marinate for one or 2 days in refrigerator. Grease the bottom of a baking dish, dispose yourselfto half of the meat mixed fruit marinade and spread the fruit remained on the surface. Cover with the pastry edges to seal securely practiced at the center of the container and a hole to allow steam to escape during cooking. Bake in preheated oven at 200C - (400F) degrees for about 45 minutes, let cool and serve.
Recipe of 2012/01/26

(This recipe BY Nuxia)
Meatloaf, veal, beef and chicken wrapped in bacon and covered with pastry
Ingredients for 6 persons:
a pack of Breadcrumbs
6 green olives
4 tablespoons of gravy
300 g of roast veal
300 g of lean beef boiled
200 g bacon, cut into slices not too thin
200 g of roasted chicken
2 eggs
q.b. salt
q.b. pepper
a lemon
Stone the olives, chop finely and set aside. Chop the veal, chicken and beef with a food processor and place the dough in a bowl. Then add the bread crumbs, egg,gravy and chopped olives. Mix well until mixture is smooth and soft. Season the mixture over the grated lemon rind. Knead it, giving it the shape of meatloaf. At this point you have on the work table slices of bacon, side by side. Lean over themeatloaf and cover it, wrapping it with bacon. Unroll the pastry, put the meat in the center wrapped in bacon and lock forming a kind of foil attached to the meatloaf. If you were to move the dough, you can use the residues to create the ornaments with which to decorate the roast. Lightly beat the remaining egg in a bowl and brush with a kitchen brush the entire surface of dough. Then put the meatloaf in a pan with a sheet of baking paper and bake at 220 degrees C for 25 minutes. Once cooked leave to rest for a few minutes, to prevent the pasta cutting it come apart. Cut into slicesand then the meat loaf and serve warm.
Recipe of 2012/01/27
a pack of Breadcrumbs
6 green olives
4 tablespoons of gravy
300 g of roast veal
300 g of lean beef boiled
200 g bacon, cut into slices not too thin
200 g of roasted chicken
2 eggs
q.b. salt
q.b. pepper
a lemon
Stone the olives, chop finely and set aside. Chop the veal, chicken and beef with a food processor and place the dough in a bowl. Then add the bread crumbs, egg,gravy and chopped olives. Mix well until mixture is smooth and soft. Season the mixture over the grated lemon rind. Knead it, giving it the shape of meatloaf. At this point you have on the work table slices of bacon, side by side. Lean over themeatloaf and cover it, wrapping it with bacon. Unroll the pastry, put the meat in the center wrapped in bacon and lock forming a kind of foil attached to the meatloaf. If you were to move the dough, you can use the residues to create the ornaments with which to decorate the roast. Lightly beat the remaining egg in a bowl and brush with a kitchen brush the entire surface of dough. Then put the meatloaf in a pan with a sheet of baking paper and bake at 220 degrees C for 25 minutes. Once cooked leave to rest for a few minutes, to prevent the pasta cutting it come apart. Cut into slicesand then the meat loaf and serve warm.
Recipe of 2012/01/27
BITES OF BASIL PASTA(This recipe BY Nuxia)
Excellent as an appetizer
Excellent as an appetizer
500 g puff pastry
160 g mozzarella cheese
50 g pine nuts
egg yolk for brushing
butter for plaque
Clean a big handful of basil leaves that you will pass the food processor along withthe mozzarella into chunks, pine nuts, a pinch of salt and half a clove of garlic.Gather the mixture in a bowl and divide into 24 equal parts. Grease a baking tray.Roll out the puff pastry into 3 mm thick, pennellatela cold water, then line up the 24portions of the compound at a distance of 5 cm from each other; Cover them with the remaining free pasta, which reverses the above. Good press around eachmound, then cut with a fluted pastry cutter to the edge of 5 cm in diameter. Place the 24 "bites" on the plate already buttered, with the egg yolk beaten with pennellatelilittle cold water and bake in oven at 250 degrees C for about 15 '. Arrange the "bite"on a warm platter, then serve.
Recipe of 2012/01/30

(This recipe is by Cristina B.)
Tart pastry simple and good
500g puff pastry
100g shelled pistachios
2 biscuits
a pineapple
1 egg
1 / 2 lemon
powdered sugar
2 biscuits
a pineapple
1 egg
1 / 2 lemon
powdered sugar
Melt the butter in a pan with 3 tablespoons of sugar until you get a golden caramel, stirring with half a lemon speared on a fork. Then add the pineapple slices reduced to a thickness of 5 mm and cook for 8 'or so, until dry. Leave to cool. Roll out thepastry to a thickness of 3 mm, divide it into two parts a little 'smaller than the other, and with the larger one, a cake tin lined with movable (diameter 29 cm, h cm 3)making it a little overboard . Spread flour on the bottom of the mixer obtained by passing the pistachios, the biscuits and 1 / 2 tablespoon of sugar. Add the pineapple with its now cold sauce and cover with remaining pastry, which you haverecorded net with the special roller, properly expanded and brush with beaten egg.Seal the edges with a rifilateli
knife, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake at 200 ° C for 20 '.
Melt the butter in a pan with 3 tablespoons of sugar until you get a golden caramel, stirring with half a lemon speared on a fork. Then add the pineapple slices reduced to a thickness of 5 mm and cook for 8 'or so, until dry. Leave to cool. Roll out thepastry to a thickness of 3 mm, divide it into two parts a little 'smaller than the other, and with the larger one, a cake tin lined with movable (diameter 29 cm, h cm 3)making it a little overboard . Spread flour on the bottom of the mixer obtained by passing the pistachios, the biscuits and 1 / 2 tablespoon of sugar. Add the pineapple with its now cold sauce and cover with remaining pastry, which you haverecorded net with the special roller, properly expanded and brush with beaten egg.Seal the edges with a rifilateli
knife, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake at 200 ° C for 20 '.
Recipe of 2012/01/27

(This recipe is Sabrina77)
Cake sweet pastry filled with a mixture of chopped nuts with sugar and eggs
Ingredients for 6 persons:
300g di puff pastry
50 g of flour
50 g of butter
5 eggs
200 g of shelled walnuts
150 g of sugar
In a bowl beat the egg yolks (no whites throwing) with the sugar until they are softand well fitted. Combine the flour, finely chopped nuts to the blender and you'll meltthe butter in a double boiler. Apart from mounted the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mixture. Line a pie dish with pastry, leaving it in its special non-stickpaper, pour the egg mixture and nuts and bake in oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Recipe of 2012/01/27
50 g of butter
5 eggs
200 g of shelled walnuts
150 g of sugar
In a bowl beat the egg yolks (no whites throwing) with the sugar until they are softand well fitted. Combine the flour, finely chopped nuts to the blender and you'll meltthe butter in a double boiler. Apart from mounted the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mixture. Line a pie dish with pastry, leaving it in its special non-stickpaper, pour the egg mixture and nuts and bake in oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Recipe of 2012/01/27
( This recipes by Nuxia )
A sweet fast and light
600 g nectarines
300 g puff pastry
250 g milk
150 g whipping cream
75g caster sugar - 20 g white flour from to 2 egg yolks
Wash peaches, and cut into wedgessnocciolatele that let soak for about an hour, spray it with a glass of liquor. Heat the milk with lemon peel. Mix the flour with the egg yolks and caster sugar, then dilutedwith milk, hot but not boiling, pour slowly. Bring the cream on the stove and letsimmer for 5 ', then shut off and let cool, stirring occasionally. Roll out the dough to 3mm thick and give it the shape of a rectangle of 13x23 cm. Place it on a bakingbrush with cold water, then pass it in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 '. Whip the cream and incorporate cold cream now. Divide the pastry into two equal piecesby cutting thickness; pareggiateli the edges, then the first, pour the cream over which you will have drained peaches. Cover with the second piece of pastry. Put the cake on a plate and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Recipe of 2012/01/30
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